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Naijafund( is a crowdfunding platform aimed at individuals raising money to cover costs they cannot afford. Naijafund, further has a Medical fund raising funds to support children suffering from sickle cell anaemia. Sickle cell anaemia kills over 100,000 children below the age of 5 years old in Sub Saharan Africa annually. This rate of mortality can be reduced if the children are provided daily medication to prevent their deadly crisis occuring regularly. Help SAVE A LIFE. Donate to ths wallet with Narration, sickle cell. DONATION Address: addr1q87xc7ywl65hl3mjfufp3mldg59cgdlkale vamzmzg6aw5846jwcdvmlz27av75xxg9kknyptqsrnwcx08gvf4zgjdvs9pn5rk
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